Monday, March 17, 2008

Can it get worse?

Yes it can. I have been in constant pain, lower right abdominal pain, right flank pain and now right shoulder blade pain. What does all this mean? Who knows....I saw my OB/GYN last Thurs and was prescribed another antibiotic for the potential kidney infection. Levaquin this time, supposed to be pretty good stuff, UA came back clear but with trace blood so a culture was sent off. Fast forward to today, woke up in tears after little to no sleep due to constant need to pee and pain. Called my primary Dr. and got an appt. for this morning. Dear annoyed, fed up hubby went with me. Another UA was done, trace blood again but other wise unremarkable, we got the culture results back from last Thurs. and it was clear, no infection. Why am I still in horrible pain? After an exam, Dr. decided to send me across the street to the hospital for an in depth ultra-sound of the abdomen and pelvis. I had an external Ab and pelvic ultra-sound and a vaginal about fun. We then were instructed to go back to the Dr.'s office to wait for results. About 45 minutes later the Dr. comes in and tells me I am interesting. Thanks, glad I can entertain you. He proceeds to tell us that my Ab ultra-sound was completely normal, pelvic ultrasound was the interesting one. I have a cyst on my right ovary, I have the measurements, not sure if its big or not, he didn't seem worried about that, the crazy part...."There is a small cystic area in the uterus. No fetal pole or yolk sac is identified but I cannot exclude a very early pregnancy." That was the Radiologists report word for word. So now we are in shock.

Is this a repeat of 2 yrs ago? I have all the same symptoms, ab pain, shoulder blade pain, need to pee all the time, but only dribbling, exhausted, feeling like utter crap. All these were signs of a failed pregnancy and a cornual pregnancy that was not diagnosed till months later after much suffering. Can life really be that cruel? I mean I want to be pregnant, I just don't want to deal with loss and pain again. I have had a period but I could have bled and still been pregnant, it was a short cycle. I have been on the b/c pills and all these crazy antibiotics what has all that stuff done? The scariest part is the shoulder-blade pain and the lower right ab pain, I am so afraid of another cornual/ectopic pregnancy. I just cannot deal with this happening all over again. The only plus if this is a failed pregnancy is the fact that we can get pregnant and that means my eggs are not too old.

I have an appt. with the RE tomorrow morning. My regular RE is out of town so I will be seeing his fill-in, but I have seen her once before and she was great on the phone today, so I feel confident in seeing her tomorrow. She will do an ultra-sound and my HCG will be back also, so hopefully we will get some answers.

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My journey with family & age related secondary infertility