Friday, February 29, 2008

The pain continues

My pain has only continued and has even increased. I spent the majority of the day in the ER yesterday, on Tues. I went to the Dr. because my pain has shifted to my right flank. It took several days and much persistence on my part but I have a kidney infection. My repeated UA's came back negative but I asked for a culture and we finally got the results today. I was right. I am now on my 2nd antibiotic, Septra and I don't do well together so now I am on Cipro, and neither Dr. is sure it works well against the bacteria I have, Amoxil would work great on the bacteria, unfortunately I am severely allergic so we decided not to add any extra excitement to our weekend and stick with the Cipro. I may go see the RE in the morning as he is keeping tabs on me, hubby asked him if we could bump up my Laproscopy, I cannot wait till April if the pain continues at this level.
On a side note, all the hard work (sex) that hubby and I had last week trying to get preggo on our own may have been in vain. With the abdominal CT scan yesterday, the antibiotics and the hydro-codone for pain, well our potential embryo that we might have created, well it probably doesn't stand a chance. Although I have been praying that if we succeeded that God would please watch out for our buzz. Yep, that's its name, buzz. Why? Because an embryo is the result of egg and sperm successfully meeting, embie is a nickname many people in the infertile community use, embie made me think of the letter B and the letter B made me think of bumble bee's and bumble bee's made me think of buzzing, so therefore I have nicknamed all potential offspring buzz.

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My journey with family & age related secondary infertility